
How To: Preserve Seasonal Produce

Preserving seasonal produce brings the joy of enjoying favorite fruits and vegetables year-round, minimizing waste while extending flavor beyond their natural seasons. Additionally, it aids in reducing carbon emissions by diminishing the demand for long-distance transportation of out-of-season produce. Today's blog will focus on various prevalent methods for preserving seasonal produce, catering to different tastes and types of produce.


Canning preserves a diverse range of items like fruits, vegetables, sauces, and jams by cooking and sealing them in sterilized containers, eliminating contaminants and retaining their nutritional value, flavor, and texture for extended enjoyment past the harvest season. This method guarantees both the safety and longevity of home-cooked produce.

How to Can Produce

  • Preparation: Wash and prepare your produce. This might involve peeling, chopping, or slicing, depending on what you are canning.
  • Sterilize: Sterilize your jars and lids to ensure they are free from bacteria.
  • Pack and Seal: Pack your produce into the jars, leaving some headspace. Seal the jars with the lids.
  • Process: Process the jars in a water bath or pressure canner (depending on the acidity of the food) to kill any remaining bacteria and create a vacuum seal.
  • Cool and Store: Allow the jars to cool and then check the seals. Store the sealed jars in a cool, dark place.

By choosing to buy surplus food items through innovative food waste apps, such as QA’LIL, individuals can play a significant role in reducing food waste while also preserving a variety of delicious and nutritious produce for future use. Surplus food saving apps offer a plethora of overproduced food items, including bulk fruits and veggies, all at your fingertips. By canning these products, you are not only making a sustainable choice but also ensuring you have a stock of wholesome food available year-round.


Unlock the secret to year-round freshness with the simple and efficient method of freezing produce. This fantastic preservation technique ensures your favorite seasonal fruits and vegetables remain at the peak of their freshness, ready to be enjoyed whenever you desire. Swiftly lowering the food's temperature to below freezing halts bacterial growth, significantly prolonging the shelf life of your produce while flawlessly preserving its nutritional content, vibrant color, and delightful texture.

How to Freeze Produce

  • Preparation: Wash, dry, and prepare your produce. Depending on the type of produce, this might involve blanching (briefly boiling) vegetables to preserve their color and nutrients.
  • Portion and Pack: Portion your produce into usable amounts and pack them in airtight containers or freezer bags. For optimal preservation, remove as much air from the freezer bag as possible. You can manually squeeze the air out, or you can use a vacuum sealer.
  • Label and Freeze: Label the containers or bags with the date and contents, then place them in the freezer.


Dehydration is the process of eliminating moisture from food, which effectively hinders the growth of bacteria, yeasts, and molds. Preserving fruits, vegetables, and herbs through dehydration not only extends their shelf life but also intensifies their natural flavors and retains nutritional value, providing a tasty and nutritious option for snacks or culinary enhancements.

How to Dehydrate Produce

  • Preparation: Wash, dry, and thinly slice your produce.
  • Dehydrate: Place the slices in a single layer on a dehydrator tray and dehydrate according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Store: Once completely dried, store the produce in airtight containers in a cool, dark place.

Pickling Seasonal Produce

Pickling is a fantastic method for preserving seasonal produce, ensuring that the vibrant flavors of fruits and vegetables can be enjoyed year-round. By immersing these fresh ingredients in a brine of vinegar, salt, and often spices, pickling not only extends their availability but also imparts a unique and zesty taste.

How to Pickle Produce

  • Preparation: Wash and prepare your produce. This might involve slicing, chopping, or leaving the produce whole.
  • Make the Brine: Prepare a vinegar-based brine, adding salt, sugar, and any desired spices.
  • Pack and Pour: Pack your produce into sterilized jars and pour the brine over the top, ensuring the produce is fully submerged.
  • Seal and Store: Seal the jars and store them in the refrigerator for at least a week before consuming.

Prolong Taste and Reduce Food Waste with Seasonal Preservation

Mastering food preservation allows us to relish seasonal flavors all year while combating food waste. WIN Sustainably is at the forefront of this eco-conscious movement, redefining consumption habits and advocating for a sustainable future. Our app, QA’LIL, directly links consumers with food retailers, fostering mindful eating and minimizing food waste. Together, we can significantly reduce the global 450 billion kg of food waste, creating a more sustainable and community-driven food system.

Together, we’re forging a path toward a more equitable and sustainable food system.